The dry signal goes: Guitar – IE4 – VHT Channel A – Top 2×12’s in Xcab. The picture below shows a simple 8U rack with some standard issue guitar components – VHT 2/50/2 stereo power amp, Egnater IE4 preamp, and tc Electronics Nova System effect unit all running into an Old Dog 4×12 Xcab. I wonder if that is the difference? Here is the link to the article, may be of interest to others.Here is a very simple way to get a huge guitar sound with a minimum of components. One suggestion he had was to raise the sample rate to 88 or 96Khz which I did on the laptop computer I have my backup installation of Guitar Rig 4 on with Kontrol Rig attached. He view was also that a higher sample rate would reduce some of the digital artifacts or whistling from certain pre-sets. I recently read an article by Craig Anderton who was talking about sample rates as they related to amp sims, He gave some suggestions for making the sound warmer and more organic through EQ. Note - One difference that came to mind after re-reading your response is the following.
Very odd, but as I said, I can hear a tremendous difference in quality. I don't dither so that wouldn't have any impact.
Maybe something is happening when I bounce down the track to reduce the quality. What you are saying is that if the source was recorded mono then the Interleave is Mono by default which is the way I have been doing it. I have never paid any attention to the Interleave status. Typically I have GR4 inserted as a VST plug so I can hear the effects while recording, although I am just recording the dry guitar signal. I do record in Mono when recording directly to Sonar and set input monitor to on so I can hear the track while recording. I am OK recording wet through Rig Kontrol vs dry/VST route, but was wondering if others have had the same results or issues, and what is the best solution?Īppreciate the information. They sound great via recording directly from the Rig Kontrol mentioned above. the distorted, crunch lead sounds, basically anything with distortion sound thin and brittle the VST route. I have had mixed results with clean sounds which aren't bad.
So my question is, am I doing something wrong when recording directly through the RME HiZ instrument input and adding Guitar Rig as a VST? Do those who go the VST route use a pre-amp, compressor or some other front-end tool to make their sound bigger and full on recordings? I do record Guitar dry through the instrument insert at around -12db to -9db at 24-bit so I think levels are OK. The recording from the Rig Kontrol vs HiZ RME input was far superior and in fact, really outstanding. So this weekend I tried an experiment using the Rig Kontrol 2 L/R outputs plugged into my RME FF800 and recording wet directly from the Rig Kontol rather than my typical way of plugging guitar into the HiZ INstrument input of the RME and adding Guitar Rig as a VST. So much so that I went back to recording with my amp and a Palmer PDI-09 which isn't incredible either.
Recordings have always sounded thin, weak, not the same as Guitar Rig in Stand-Alone mode with the Rig Kontrol. I have always used Guitar Rig with Sonar, recording the Guitar dry and inserting Guitar Rig as a VST. I have been using Guitar Rig on and off since version 2 and currently have the Rig Kontrol 2 with Guitar Rig 4.